A necktie should ideally pull together the colors in your clothes and make a statement about you, whether you want to stand out from the crowd with bright hues or blend in with a more traditional look.
You probably need an extra long tie, either because you’re tall or because you’re big and want a tie long enough to cover your body. In any event, make sure it reaches the peak of your belt. Too short and you look like a nerd; too long and you look like you have something in your crotch.
And avoid a skinny tie, even if fashionistas like them; a skinny tie makes a big man look wider.
When selecting a tie, keep in mind your size and the width of your shoulders, which will frame the neckwear.
A silk tie is your best option. It will cost more but it is worth every penny. Get the best silk tie that fits your budget; a triple-ply silk tie – the best for quality – costs more than a double-ply or single-ply silk tie.
The advantages of silk: It is smooth, stays straight, flows with your body and generally lasts longer than a woven or synthetic tie. Woven ties tend to stretch, lack curvature and become wrinkle-prone.
Make sure the tie doesn’t clash with your outfit, either in color or design. For example, a tie with a vertical design will look bad if you’re wearing a shirt with a vertical design. If you have a favorite tie that stands out, a solid colored shirt often works best as a background.
(Tip: Brush your teeth before you put on a shirt and tie. If you brush your teeth afterwards, you’re liable to find little specks of errant toothpaste dotting your clothes.)
A necktie often serves as a signature of sorts, a slice of your personality, a sign of who you are. A bright tie sends one message, a conservative tie sends another, and all ties depend on the occasion – wedding, funeral, business meeting.
With ties, as with other clothes, wear what makes you feel confident and alive. Confidence will help you carry off your look, whatever you choose.
You can stand out without jumping into the deep end of the fashion pond